Set of Ways and measures to cope with abdominal pain


If you often feel abdominal pain, things that often happens is disturbing you difficult to distract your mind from the pain and continue the activities of your day as usual. Finally you mengiginkan healing quickly, no matter what the cause of the problem. If your stomach is sick, try some of the steps below to reduce your pain.

  1. Make clear beverages. Often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, which can lead to dehydration. If your body is dehydrated, it takes longer to recover and feel the effects of nausea stronger than usual. Take half a liter of water every 15 minutes to make your hydrated aspire. Try your sports drink with electrolytes equipped. As well as the filling of sodium and potassium from your body, which are needed to fight the disease. Make a mint tea, chamomile or ginger with a little honey. This herb has been shown to have a positive effect on reducing nausea. 
  2. Soft food. Your body needs nutrients to keep you energized while trying to recover from a stomach ache, so feed yourself with bland food. Choosing food that is not spicy, fatty, or that do not contain a lot of sugar, including oatmeal, broth, bread and rice. Also avoid dairy foods because they contain naturally occurring bacteria that your stomach can not stand. 
  3. Try cola syrup. Cola syrup is a thick liquid that tastes like your favorite soft drink cola. syrup has been used for years to combat nausea, and can be done alone or with ice. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons every two hours to relieve nausea. 
  4. Taking bicarbonate. Although the main ingredient in most antacids, you can take bicarbonate dissolve one tablespoon in a glass of warm water. Drink water slowly and repeat the process every two hours until the nausea you disappear. 
  5. Take apple cider vinegar. Unlike normal vinegar, apple cider vinegar is used to combat nausea, absorbing unwanted nutrients into your stomach. Mix 2 or 3 tablespoons of liquid with a glass of warm water. Take the mixture every two hours until the nausea you disappear. 
  6. Drinking mint tea. It has been proven that peppermint tea is effective in reducing nausea. You need to do is to soak the dried mint leaves (about one heaping tablespoon) in a pint of boiling water for half an hour. Strain and then drink it. While you drink tea, also take your mint leaves. This is because only eat boiled mint leaves also helps relieve nausea. 
  7. Do the rest. your body is fighting a bacterial or viral in your stomach, and you need energy to do so. To give you the energy you need to lie down and sleep longer. Avoid moving a lot or exercise. 
  8. Vomiting if needed. Although it tasted awful, had to vomit is a healthy way to cleanse your body. Vomiting is the way your body get rid of bacteria or virus in your stomach that can cause disease. Although vomiting is an activity that is very uncomfortable, most people say they feel better after vomiting. 
  9. Taking medication. There are many over the counter medications available to combat nausea. Search anti-nausea containing "bismuth", which serves to coat the stomach lining and reducing discomfort nausea medication. You can also use antacids to treat stomach aches. 
  10. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol irritate the stomach and reduces the body's ability to heal in a timely manner, causing severe nausea. Stay away from caffeine (considered drugs) and alcohol while you are sick. 
  11. Use hot compresses. Put the heat on your abdomen may help reduce seizures strong and uncomfortable you feel. Use the bottle with warm water or socks (clean) full of hot rice at a comfortable temperature and place it on your abdomen. For best results, lie down with a hot compress on your stomach. 
  12. Shower with hot water. Immerse yourself in the warm water increases circulation and relax your muscles; This helps reduce the pain you feel in your stomach. Relax and take a shower once a day for 15 or 20 minutes to achieve better results. 
  13. Massage your abdomen. abdominal cramps can be caused by a narrowing of your muscles. To alleviate this, do yourself (or tell someone close to doing so) massage lightly apply pressure on your stomach. Concentrating on the painful area, but cover the whole lower part of your abdomen. 
  14. Try the aloe vera juice. Not directly from the factory, but aloe vera juice commercial. It is a supplement that is sold in health food stores and serves to reduce the pain caused by stomach cramps. It also links to help fight constipation and indigestion. 
  15. Try ginger water. Ginger with medicinal properties and health benefits of alternative regulate digestion and reduce stomach upset. Fresh ginger works better and faster than dried ginger. Mix a few slices of fresh ginger in hot water, strain and drink it to induce relaxation. However, if you can not resist spicy foods, choose other forms, such as ginger supplements you can easily find on the market. 
  16. Avoid alcohol and soda. Alcohol and soda can be difficult to digest for your body and increase the pain you feel in the form of seizures. Instead, try herbal teas such as ginger or mint, as this helps to relax the muscles in your stomach. 
  17. Avoid fatty foods. Your body may have a seizure as a result of food poisoning. If that happens, it avoids poisoning worse by not eating fatty or greasy foods. If you are hungry, try soft foods such as bread, crackers or applesauce. 
  18. Be careful what you eat. Avoid fatty foods or spicy as it may worsen your indigestion. In addition, look at what you eat (literally). If you eat too fast, you talk while you eat or you eat a big bite, the possibility of making digestion worse. Instead, eat slowly, look at your plate and avoid talking while chewing (not swallowing air). 
  19. Take hydrochloric acid supplements. Although it is sometimes believed that indigestion is caused by stomach acid much sometimes also be caused by not enough acid. To determine if this is the cause of your problem, take a supplement of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. If you do not react at all, continue to take supplements until you feel a warm feeling in your stomach. This heat means you have too much acid is present, and that the low dose is sufficient to treat indigestion. 
  20. Taking digestive enzymes. They are available in the form of supplements in most health food stores. There are two types of digestive enzymes, the type of animal-based and the other based on fungi and plants, the latter being the most effective in many cases. Follow the dosage instructions for each enzyme supplements. 
  21. Try enteric-coated peppermint oil. It is another supplement in gel capsules to be taken every day. It has been demonstrated that ultimately reduce or indigestion drug in 75% of patients. Follow the instructions that come with the supplement dose to use the right amount for you.  
  22. Drinking tea. Third magical herbs, mint, ginger and chamomile, works wonders to treat stomach problems. You can make tea bags sold in stores or you can do it with a tea made from the dried leaves of the plant and hot water. Add lemon or honey to give it some flavor without increasing your sugar intake. 
  23. Try the cinnamon tea. Make cinnamon powder. Use two teabags or equivalent. Stir well, it will help a lot.  
  24. Taking probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria types that grow in your stomach and help digest food. If you do not have enough probiotics, your stomach can not digest food quickly enough, causing a pleasant sensation of indigestion. Probiotics are commonly found in the form of yogurt and other cultured dairy products. 
  25. Try artichoke leaf extract. It is available at most health food stores, and work by increasing the flow of bile in your digestive system. Follow the instructions that come with the supplement dose to use the right amount of extract. 
  26. Using liquorice desglicirrizado. This abbreviated DGL, licorice is a capsule or a powder containing no glycyrrhizin, which can raise your blood pressure. Take two tablets or a spoonful of powder 15 minutes before taking a big meal. 
  27. Nap after eating. Although it is not recommended that you lie down after a big meal, take a break before doing physical activity. Sitting upright or lying down for an hour before ingesting food. Be sure to eat at least three hours before bedtime. 
  28. Controlling your stress. stomach problems (including nausea and indigestion) is more common if you are suffering from stress. If necessary, it takes some time alone to relax and reduce anxiety. 
  29. Stretch slowly and concentrate on your breathing. This simple relaxation techniques reduce the likelihood of future stomach pain. 
  30. Do the things you enjoy. Take time to read, draw, play something, or doing other hobbies that reduce your stress. As an added bonus, if you do these things when you are suffering from stomach problems, you distract the pain and nausea. 
  31. Changing the way you eat and drink. Many stomach problems are the result of poor diet or bad eating habits. If you have constant stomach problems for months or even years, trying some of these methods to adjust your diet. 
  32. Avoid foods that can trigger abdominal pain. For example, avoid foods that are spicy or high in fat. Caffeine, alcohol and soft drinks can also damage your stomach. 
  33. If you are not sure what food your stomach ache, try to eliminate foods that you eat one by one. For example, live a week without dairy products and see if your stomach pain diminished or disappeared. If you remove that food does not work then continued to remove another until you find the culprit. 
  34. A diary of what you eat and write on it everything you eat for a while. In your journal, write the day of your abdominal pain. After a while, you may see a pattern and know which foods to avoid. 
  35. Controlling your weight. When a heavier burden on the middle part of your body, your stomach and push up the acid into the esophagus. To lose weight, regular exercise and healthy cooking.

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