How To Overcome Panic

Panic is an activity that can make you think less well, what more when you will define a very important decision.
And fear even decisions we take into our carelessness and the ends will create new problems.

To stage it at this time we will discuss how to overcome the panic that always comes to us.

Recognize the symptoms first step

A panic or anxiety is a natural physiological response to certain events in life.

Obviously, if we suffer brutal attacks of panic or anxiety with all the symptoms that we described in the article "What is a panic attack or anxiety" You do not need to recognize the signs as they are quite clear. In this case we can understand that this is the "real" fear. That is, or you will die, or you will sink, or you'll have a heart attack, or the world ends, but those thoughts just a physiological response to situations of prolonged stress.

But when these signs are not given loud we could fall into the trap "believe that the real danger." So, if you start to feel the overnight and without clear justification, something bad happened, something bad has a terrible thing certain to happen and these thoughts become repetitive and obsessive, it is important to detect and recognize them as an anxiety to avoid falling into the trap of "believing they were certain", which further aggravated the situation.

Therefore, the first step to overcoming panic attacks and anxiety is to understand that this is a natural response to internal conflicts that must be resolved. But this is not the time to solve it; not when the mind is so busy and confused.
Imagine compared to the flu. The first symptoms until they do not show up we could not take action. Well this is the same. It was just as natural as you can be the flu that we must take action conditions. We recognize it, accept it, and we began working to improve it, without dramatizing.

Step 2: Dare to accept the crisis

If we had been through the ordeal of suffering a real crisis of anxiety it is possible to develop a "fear of fear" is well known, namely, true terror that happen again. Obviously, this fear only increases the chances that the crisis let go again, again and again.

The real key to overcoming panic attacks is to stop being afraid, that is, to allow the body to occur and disclosed. It's easy to say but it does not seem easy. However, yes it is. When we got to stop being afraid, the crisis lost almost all their power. They can happen, yes, but much more bearable and far more crippling.

Our proposal is this: when you feel that the "approaching", let him come, let live and agree that all you have is a crisis of anxiety and panic attacks do not pose any danger .. As many fears have, there is no real danger (or heart attack or drowning, or death). If you notice symptoms for what they (symptoms), without judging ... a change of perspective. Instead of giving credibility fear, exploring ... Where is he? Where do you feel suffering? At the point you sink?

Intuit is a monster in the shadows of the night is very scary, but if you dare to turn the lights on and deal with it, you'll see that it's not so terrible, and not so strong. Arrives, it takes a few minutes, the climax ... and disappeared.

Step 3: Accept crisis

I propose a game: It was not thought that something terrible happens, you dare to weigh the idea that, indeed, is something that you should receive.

On the one hand, your body and mind respond to the distress call, that is, they work well and it was very important for survival. On the other hand, let that anxiety is manifested is a great way to avoid to stay in and we produce bad crime, disease, for example.

Imagine that you have rented a fire alarm system. What you expect is for alarm, no? Now, to see from this viewpoint. Your alarm system works, your body and your mind and your work you are running ... It's fantastic!

Life is discreet and almost always puts us beyond where we should be. Rather than rebel without, it seems smarter to accept where we are (who knows if our good) and finish what needs to be resolved.

Step 4: external assistance

It is very important to understand that the real tool is what you need, because if you put all your trust on the outside you are sending a clear message: You can not. And it's not true. Believes that aliens would solve a panic attack or anxiety very frustrating. Instead, reassure us that we have more than enough tools allow us to have some opportunities and some control over the situation.

After having clear that the most effective tools are inside, it's not a bad idea to support external assistance. Here are some suggestions:

No doubt create professional psychotherapy with someone you trust who will help to overcome panic attacks or anxiety. Note that the professionals can be general psychology, or also from the new stream as PNL, couching, biodescodificación, gestalt, etc.

There are several nutrients and plants are very suitable for the balance of the nervous system: Vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, tryptophan or St. John's wort. Hitting with dosage and synergy of these elements are complicated, so we recommend before taking specialists, or select a specific product to the anxiety generated by the laboratory that you like and incorporate some of these materials. See also what is most effective for depression supplements.

aroma therapy
As a remedy urgency, we suggest you always carry a small hand boat lavender essential oil. He has soothing properties and is one of the scents of joy. When you feel anxious and nervous attack you, inspire highly container two or three times so that the essential particles from entering the bloodstream through the lungs. You can also put a few drops on the pillow before going to sleep. Or if you want something more complicated, we suggest this home remedy for anxiety with essential oils.

Other natural therapies
In addition to these external aids, there are many natural therapies that can contribute to your well-being in general: Bach flowers, reflexology, chiropractic, osteopathy, Schussler salts, acupuncture, color therapy, etc.

Step 5: Healthy Habits

panic attacks or anxiety that is triggered after a period of stress or in response to some unresolved conflicts, it's true. However, while our emotions are not quiet, it is very difficult to see a clear image. Therefore, our advice is that while the crisis remains acute, do not try to understand the life or the ultimate solution to your existential questions. That will come later, with calmness and mental clarity.

Much more effective is to use all the tools to help us find a better, both physically and emotionally. There are some habits that needed.

Management of food
        In the crisis of anxiety and other nervous system dysfunction intervene definitely our biochemistry. Providing the body with nutrients that promote the proper functioning of the nervous system and eliminate their harmful habit is necessary that the situation requires. To learn how to follow the right diet see our report: Diet for depression and how to detoxify the body.

Enough rest

        Sleep is very important not only for the nervous system, but for all. Our bodies perform important functions during sleep and secrete hormones and other substances that are needed. We offer some tips on how to sleep well.


It is not a cliché, but the reality as a temple. Exercise oxygenates the body and helps us release tension and stress. Check what the smart way to exercise

Sports and meditation
Sports and meditation gives excellent results in people suffering from stress, anxiety or panic attacks. This discipline helps us to direct our thoughts and emotions and promote self-control.

And of course, the drug most magical of all there are several: LOVE. Love heals everything.
Well maybe the above tips can make you better and can motivate you in carrying out any activities.

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